This document and video explain the process of how to add a unit
1. Under Home click Units
Home > Units
2. Click ADD UNIT
3. Enter information into each line
A. Property (Note: A property must be added first, to learn how to add a property click here.)
B. City
C. Market Rent
D. Number of Bedrooms
E. Number of Bathrooms
F. Amenity (Note: To add amenities click on the line and type them in)
G. Appliance (Note: To add appliances click on the line and type them in)
H. Utility (Note: To add appliances click on the line and type them in)
I. Add photos or documents related to the unit
J. Unit Name
K. Address
L. State
M. Postal code
N. Deposit Required
O. Sq. Footage
4. Click ADD