Email templates let you save and send pre-formatted email messages. Taking the time to quickly set up your email settings is important, it allows you to personalize your emails and add company information that is useful to vendors and owners. Fully completing your email settings will help vendors find your emails easier and not risk the potential of having your email overlooked or pushed to the side.

1.Click on the settings icon in the top right-hand corner(cog wheel) and select Settings.

2. Enter your companies  information
    A) Drag and drop your logo
    B) Company website
    C) Header Text
    D) Footer Text
    E) Company Name as it appears on outgoing emails
    F) Reply-To Email 

Once you are done send yourself a test email to view your template.

A) Logo
C) Header Text
D) Footer Text (Bottom photo)
E) Company Name
Note: Although you can't see the reply to email address, if you try to reply to the email it will be sent to reply-to email
