1. Start by clicking on your icon/name in the upper right-hand corner
2. Click Settings
3. Scroll to the bottom of the list, then click Custom Fields
4. Click Add
5. Enter in the various lines
1) Group: This is the type of data you are adding the custom field too. The different options are listed below.
- Property
- Unit
- Tenant
- Workorder
- Owner
- Vendor
- Vendor Contact
- Client
- Client Contact
2) Name: This is the name of your custom field. ie: License plate number
3) Type: This is the type of answer for your custom field. The different options are listed below.
- Text - This will display a text box to type in
- Select - Select from a list of options you have already pre-determined
- Yes/No - Yes no check box
- Date - Text box to enter in date
6. After each line is filled in click Add. Below is an example of the different types, these custom fields are added to Tenants.