The first half of his document explains the process if the external vendor schedules using the Schedule button.
1. Once a workorder is created it can be sent by either SMS or email for Approval. Within the message, it will contain the workorder details, the location of the property, access information, and as well as and any other remaining details. The vendor can either choose to Confirm or Deny the workorder, as well as download a PDF of the workorder.

2. Once the Vendor clicks Confirm they will be redirected to the page below and the status of the workorder will also be changed to Approved. From the page shown below if the vendor knows when they can complete the work, he or she can enter it in at that time or select not at this time and enter it in later. If they choose not to enter the date and time they will be reminded each day at 5:00 pm EST to schedule the workorder.

3. If the vendor selects "Yes, I will enter it now" a drop down menu for schedule date and time will appear. This allows the vendor to select a date and time which they will complete the work.

4. Once confirmed, a pop-up message will appear and a confirmation email will be sent to the vendor.
Note: The status of the workorder at this point has now been changed to Scheduled

5. Once confirming, a confirmation email or SMS will be sent. From that message the vendor can reschedule the workorder.

6. The day before the scheduled workorder the vendor will receive a reminder email

7. The day after the scheduled workorder, the vendor will receive an email notification asking if the work was complete. If the vendor clicks Completed the workorder status will change to Completed.
Note: The vendor can upload images and files right from within the email or SMS. Any attached files and images will automatically get attached to the bottom of the workorder.

7a. If the vendor clicks Not Completed a notification will be sent to the property managers and audited in the history.

The second half of this document explains the process if the external vendor is scheduled by Manual Schedule. Manual Scheduling can be useful if you have already spoken to the vendor and know what date and time the vendor will complete the work. Manual Scheduling will prevent the system from sending out the initial notification to the vendor asking him or her if they can complete the work. For more information on Manual Schedule go to How to Manual Schedule
1. External Vendor is scheduled using Manual Schedule
2. The day before the scheduled workorder the vendor will receive an email reminding them of the work

3. The day after the scheduled workorder the vendor will receive an email asking if the workorder is completed. If vendor clicks Completed the workorder status will change to Completed.

4. If the vendor clicks Not Completed an audit will be added to the history, Marked Incomplete, and the status will remain Scheduled. The property management company then will need to contact the vendor to reschedule and extend the scheduled date.

Note: If at anytime the workorder status is manually changed to Completed an email notification will be sent to the vendor letting them know the workorder has been marked as Completed