Note: To get to the workorder page, under Maintain click Workorders

1. Click on the arrow to view the filters

  1. Created By: Filter workorders created by a specific user
  2. Scheduled By: Filter workorders scheduled by a specific user
  3. Client: Filter workorders by a specific client
  4. Type: Filter by workorder type. ie: Workorder or Inspection
  5. Status: Filter workorders by status or multiple statues
  6. Severity: Filter workorders by severity
  7. Due Date: Filter by All, Past Due, Today, Next 7 Days & Custom
  8. Category: Filter by Workorder Categories.
    Note: These can be changed by going to Settings -> Workorder Categories
  9. Property: Filter workorders by a specific property
  10. Vendor: Filter workorders by a specific Vendor