This document and video explains the History section within a Workorder
For customers synced with Rent Manager, the workorder History does get synced back into Rent Manager inside the history of the service issue.
Log Types
Audit: Logs anytime the status of a Workorder is changed
Communication: The communication log is all communication that the system sent out. This includes sms messages sent from within the workorder as well as, all communication between the system and Tenants, Owners, Users, and Vendors.
This communication log displays the exact email or sms message that was sent
Technician Logs: Logs the service technicians time, workorder status, and GPS coordinates within the specific workorder. Click Add Technician Log to manually add a technician log
Technician logs can be edited and deleted. To edit or delete a technician log click on the specific technician log you want to edit, a window will open where you can make your edits.
Note: Note added by either a service tech via his mobile application or a web application user such as a property manager
Date: Date and time of time of log. Click on the arrow next to Date to filter by date & time
Type: Type of log
Message: Displays the exact message sent and received
From: Who the message is from
Note: System, means that the system sent the message
To: Reciever of the message